The sleeves of Dollarization’s straitjacket over Ecuador

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Emilio José Calle


IntroductionEcuador's inflation is not converging towards that of the United States; that the drop in Ecuador's inflation is due to the domino effect of the fall in interest rates on public debt, that is, the "price" of money for using a hard currency, which in turn is due to the dollarization which is a commitment tool that guarantees that the country will not devalue. Objective tries to demonstrate that this elimination of the senora has direct repercussions on all aspects of the economy of the country, and that when eliminated requires these variables to be reorganized to fill such a gap. Materials and methods will summarize the ideas of Solow's economic convergence model, followed by the market model of human capital and endogenous growth through the technology proposed by Romer Result. This re-organization of the variables of the Ecuadorian economic model will result in Ecuador's economic growth rate is a reflection. Discussion Dollarization creates the necessary conditions for projects aimed at improving industries Conclusions This study also shows that social mobility in Ecuador will almost stagnate.


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How to Cite
Calle, E. J. (2019). The sleeves of Dollarization’s straitjacket over Ecuador. Espirales Revista Multidisciplinaria De investigación, 2(e), 81–104.
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