Ethical behavior and visual literacy in students of communication sciences

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Rubén Darío Alania Contreras
Mauro Rafaele de la Cruz
Zayuri Karim Gutiérrez Gala


Introduction.There is a need to demonstrate the correspondence between ethical behavior and aesthetic competence. Objective.Determine the relationship between ethical behavior and visual literacy in the students of Communication Sciences of the National University of the Center of Peru. Materials and methods.The correlational descriptive study, applying the Sociomoral Problems Questionnaire and the Visual Literacy Test to a sample of 70 students.ResultsThe positive, high and highly significant correlation between the variables was determined (0.752, p <0.01); Average of ethical behavior = 20.1 and visual literacy = 0.48. Discussion.In the moral chapter (40,7), research defines law and order, and the second level. Conclusion. There is a positive, high and highly significant relationship in the ethical behavior and visual literacy of the sample, however, the variables are below the ideal average.


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How to Cite
Alania Contreras, R. D., Rafaele de la Cruz, M., & Gutiérrez Gala, Z. K. (2019). Ethical behavior and visual literacy in students of communication sciences. Espirales Revista Multidisciplinaria De investigación, 217–230.
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