Study on the Ecuadorian Cultural Industry evolution specialized in animated production

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Mario Moncayo Romero


Nowadays the audiovisual industry is constantly revolutionizing, it is one of the most lucrative businesses and is consumed by hundreds of people. Although it is true, the most developed countries have a great advance in the production of this type of productions, however, with the passage of time, Ecuador has progressed notoriously in the area of animated production. This type of production has grown remarkably over the years and is consumed not only by children but also by adults. This progress has influenced the national cultural industry so the following article exposes a critical vision about the development and trajectory of the production of animated in Ecuador, with the objective of informing in a concrete way about the contribution that animated production Offers to all the consumers thus strengthening to the cultural industry of the country.


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How to Cite
Moncayo Romero, M. (2019). Study on the Ecuadorian Cultural Industry evolution specialized in animated production. Espirales Revista Multidisciplinaria De investigación, (ç), 10–22.
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